Rabbit Prototyping - Printer Development

Rabbit's goal is to bring 3D Printed Embedded electronics to the Maker Community. www.rabbitproto.com

Date: 2013 - 2014
Location: Stanford, CA
Team: Alexandre Jais, Manal Dia, Matthew Chambers, Rohan Maheshwari
Role: CEO, Engineering Management, Hardware Design, Component Sourcing, Hardware Testing
Rabbit Prototyping is the next step for the 3d printer for electronics structure from the ME 310 class. I built this platform with a group of 3D printing fanatics from Stanford University. The goal of Rabbit Prototyping is to bring embedded 3D-printed electronics to the Maker community. This will be achieved by releasing the Rabbit Extruder. 
The Rabbit Extruder is an FDM  extruder that features two printheads: One is  capable of using any extrudable filament from ABS to Laywoo-D3. The other one is a paste extruder, perfect when combined with Bare Conductive Paint.
The Rabbit extruder is an open source project with all source files available on Rabbit Proto's Github. The Rabbit extruder can be made compatible with most RepRap printers.

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