Paper Stilts - ME310
Stilts entierely made out of cardboard. Paper Stilts ME310 exercise.
Date: 2012
Location: Stanford, CA
Project: ME310 - Warm-up
Team: Alexandre Jais, Daniel Levick, Si Jiang
Role: Concept Designer, Prototype manufacturing and testing
Paper bikes, is the first task that student going through the ME310 program have to complete. The goal is to build in two weeks a vehicule entirely made out of paper that can support the weight of a person and participate during a competition that lasts a few hours (usually on wet grass and involving a decent amount of water balloons).
The challenge our year was to design a vehicle that would be able to compete during a game of dodgeball. So instead of going with the typical two-wheel, push-cart cart design my team and I decide to go and do the first stilts in the history of ME310. It was a great success for both the design and our results during the competition.
This project was featured on Behance's product design curated page.